Phil called the meeting to order a little after 6:30 pm. December’s meeting minutes were approved. Doug Galloway gave the Treasurer’s report. We have a little over $40,000 total from various accounts.
Clay Russell volunteered to be Secretary and Kim Galloway will pinch hit when Clay is unable to attend any Board meetings. Jim Kusuda added his name to the Vice-President slot and was later voted in via email to Phil.
Jim Krause will take care of flowers and a card for the passing of Tex Torgeson (sp?)
The majority of the meeting was spent on website improvements. Brian Kwong offered much input as to how we can improve it. One way (that I understood) was the use of “blog posts”. This topic will be ongoing for awhile.
There was a brief discussion regarding upcoming speakers and it was noted that Tom Wilke had some medical issues and is rehabbing.
Kids Ice Fishing Day will be January 25; Jim K will instruct on tying a loop knot; prep at D&S will probably be on the 23rd.
Tri-folds for the Expo were mentioned.
Big problem regarding the dock railing situation: it is good for the disabled but not for one-person boat launching; more meetings with proper Madison personnel need to take place to settle the problem.
80th Anniversary: Kim is looking at various venues; some other suggestions were made regarding potential locations.
Fishing contest: Input on how the new program worked and other suggestions were brought up by Phil. Also, Clay mentioned that Paul should get information back to members regarding the winners catches including where, when, what lure or live bait, etc.
February Budget meeting will be in-person and on February 5
Club Sponsors – this seems to be a total mess; it was suggested to get information from Karlette and Larry Reed; Jim K implied that Clay ought to take this over, but no decisions were made.
The February meeting will be on THURSDAY, February 13 (not on a Wednesday)
The meeting ended just before 9 pm.